Hours of Operation

Our phones are answered:
Monday-Thursday – 9:00am-12:30pm & 1:30pm-5:00pm

Fridays 9:00am-12:30pm

In Office Meetings:
By Appointment Only – No Walk-ins

Our office is open by appointment only.
No walk-ins as our office space is closed to the public.
If you need to meet with someone in person, please contact us at (919) 490-9050 to schedule an appointment.

If you have items that need to be dropped by our office, there is a drop slot in the bottom of the door to allow you to leave payments, keys or other items. If you are leaving a payment and would like a receipt, please email us at info@allenton.com to request the receipt. We will gladly email one to you.

Upcoming Closures:
Good Friday Holiday – Friday, April 18th
Memorial Day Holiday – Monday, May 26th


(919) 490-9050
Our phones are monitored 24 hours a day.


(919) 493-1506



Click here for staff email addresses.

Physical Address

3500 Westgate Drive
Suite 800
Durham, NC 27707

Mailing Address

PO Box 3250
Durham, NC 27715

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